Okay, it took my long enough to gather my thoughts on Friday night's episode of BSG. We even re-watched it last night, just to try to soak it all in. And since I waited so long, someone managed to cap the episode (thank you
phoenixothon) and share it so I am now going to attemp my first ever PICSPAM recap/review/random thoughts sort of thing...
yeah, bear with me, it's my first time!
MAJOR SPOILERS if you have not watched the episode so don't click unless you are ready
previously on Battlestar Galactica...
Oh hey, that's Dee's voice...
Wow...more of Dee...what's up with that? Hm...
The montage of sad faces in case we forgot how much Earth was a big giant letdown. Cylons and humans alike are totally bummed...
So then Roslin finds a plant and Eve says that Earth can once again sustain life and they ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
or not.
oh look, Dee again...she's all over tonight! Sorta like Tara in that one episode of Buffy...remember? She poppped up in the opening credits and everything...
This was a great moment. When Roslin bites her lip and does that slightest of head shakes, heartbreaking. What can she say? How does she tell them that Earth is just a smoldering pile of radioactive rubble? The colors are all washed out, it's like Kansas down there.
HEY LABCOAT!BALTAR! We haven't seen him in forever. Didn't even know he still owned a lab coat. Oh, and btw, the 13th colony was an entire race of Cylons.
Roslin reacts to the news of the All Cylons All The Time status of the 13th Colony. She's seems pretty upset. For me, a lot of the reveals in this episode weren't so much "WTFISGOINGON?!" but more along the lines of "yes...this works...somehow, I can FEEL it." So, yeah, we're all Cylons.
HAPPIEST MOMENT IN BSG HISTORY! Seriously, this moment was so silly and adorable. Helo, Sharon, and Hera are a happy family (I guess Hera worked through her Six obsession?).
Anyone else a little concerned during this moment? I had this fear that Dualla was gonna go off the deep-end here. Like, run off with Hera or something. But no, she was just sliding down the slope of depression. Where is Counselor Troi when you need her?
A Tyrol-shaped stain of some sort. Disturbing for him, though after the initial shock he seems to find it mildly amusing...
I have no idea what to think about Earth and the 5 Cylons that survived it's destruction 2,000 years ago. They weren't so much resurrected as they were reincarnated. So the "one god" they worship is Buddha...?
Took me a moment to figure out what Sam had pulled from the dirt. When he says he played the song for a woman he loved (Watchtower? Really?) but then Tori chimes in that he played it for all of them...my first reaction was that he was a rockstar. Not that it really works with the plot...unless it's like FreeJack and really rich people can pay to be put into the bodies of other people...oh gods, why do I remember that movie????
Meanwhile, back on the planet, Starbuck finds a dead pilot and finds this on her body:
Which leads to this reaction from Leoben:
And we all know that any time Leoben is at a loss for words, things have gotten really bad. I mean Mr. Special Destiny usually has all the answers, especially when it comes to Starbuck, but she starts poking at a skeleton for a few minutes and all of a sudden he's all
"I think I left the gas on in the Base star" *runs away*
Apollo hangs out in the briefing room because he can. Ruminating on the last 4 years of television and however many years in BSG land.
Oh look it's Dee again! We hadn't seen her for a few minutes. Her sudden appearance is making me paranoid...this scene also goes on for a really long time as she pep talks Apollo into speaking to the quorum about how they can keep going even though Earth is lame. Oh and then they make a dinner date, causing the Apollo/Starbuck shippers to squirm a little.
Roslin burns her Book of Pithia. As a collector, I had a moment of "OMG what if that is the ONLY copy?" but then I got over it and just got really depressed.
Roslin breaks down for realz this time. When her voice cracks ("Don't touch me") and the tears start flowing and you can see Bill frown in confusion...well, it takes a lot to get Roslin to this state. Never a good thing.
The date appears to have gone really well! If they hadn't already been in a doomed relationship before this, I'd think they were gonna hook up again. Aw, smiley Dee!
Apollo is feelin' good, things are looking up!
Then he remembers that he has read the script...
Gods dammnit Gaeta, don't pick at it or it will never heal!!!!! (Hey, what happened to the fallout from the webisodes? Gaeta seemed really pissed at all of Cylon-kind when that finished, I thought he was going to do something crazy in this episode in connection with that...instead we find him picking at his stump. What gives?)
Oh and Dee is all glowing and happy and her smiles make Gaeta sick to his stomach so he leaves her alone for a bit...
one of these things doesn't belong here, one of these things is TOTALLY MESSED UP!!!! So depressing. Dualla is like the Willow of BSG - if you make her sad the audience feels sad. So having her put a bullet in her head...yeah...
Adama drunk and swearing...big RED FLAG! This is totally Col. Tigh's territory. And The Old Man quickly spirals into the danger zone.
When Adama dumps the whiskey on the table while filling the glass to the brim...something about that liquid sloshing all over...you knew he was beyond any level we'd seem him at before. Adama does not like a messy ship and that puddle on the desk was a big deal to me.
Shoot me or I'll shoot me. Yikes what a scene. Luckily, Tigh calls his bluff. And then they ramble on about how depressed they are and how foxes are really stupid and swim out to sea and hope they drown rather than get eaten by hunting dogs...and it all seems so random at the time...
Starbuck burns the body of the pilot she found...the pilot that had her dog tags around it's neck. Who or what is Starbuck? We're out of Cylon models, right? The word "Angel" has been thrown around a lot the past season...Or was there another Kara Thrace that flew to Earth and crashed because all of this has happened before and all of it will happen again (well, if my DVD collection has anything to say about it).
Adama makes the official "Earth blows, we're outta here" annoucement to the rag-tag fleet.
We see the crew meditate on his words...Roslin assumes the fetal position, probably a very popular position at this moment. She still has her little plant too. I'm wondering if that will mean anything later on, if she will plant it in some dirt and let it grow on the ship.
The one and only Deanna tells Tigh she is staying on Earth. Alone. Which makes me think we might have to come back to Earth, that it is more than just the crappy radioactive pile we saw at the start of the episode...but they just don't know it yet.
And finally, the big reveal that Helen is the final unknown Cylon. And we all say "o rly?" and move on. Because we knew who it couldn't be - I mean, after identifying so many main characters as Cylons in season 3, it was hard to think of someone that would work this season. Helen may not be the most mind-bending choice, but she fits, it works. As I said before, the reveals this week fell into that category. The thing that made me go "hmm?" during these final moments were Helen telling Tigh that everything was in place for them to be reborn together. This means they knew of the impending doom. But did they know nothing would happen for 2,000 years? Or was it just that their conciousness that was sent through space to the original 12 colonies and it took that long for them to travel there?
I'm sure we'll have plenty more "WTF" moments ahead of us in the final (MEEP!) 9 episodes.