I am so behind on entries, this was a long week. Everything actually went well, but we were all anxious the whole time, waiting for things to not go well. Honestly, I'm a little suspicious of how well things went at my branch...but I think I saw most of our regulars and they were all masked up so hopefully that means they will stay that way.
My apologies for not catching up on posts this weekend like I usually do. I started to read and then Tim asked to play a game together and then there was also maybe some wine and it was a good weekend but most of the things on my "I'll do that over the weekend" list didn't happen because my brain just needed to not worry about stuff in general.
And now it is bedtime because I am exhausted even though I slept really well last night, I ended up staying up too late because the D&D session with my online group went longer than it was supposed to. But we had fun and that is what counts. :)
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