Trigger warning US politics

Jul 15, 2020 17:34

On my way to/from work there is a house with a flagpole out front. It doesn’t have the American flag flying from it right now. For the past few months, it has had a white flag that reads: Trump 2020: No More Bullshit.

I don’t consider myself a prude, but it did seem kind of wrong to have “bullshit” proudly displayed on a main road where families drive by and parents might not appreciate that word being sounded out by their child in the backseat. But, whatever, it is their opinion and it is clear what side the people in that house are on when it comes time to vote. I wasn’t offended.

But then last week a flag appeared underneath the white one. This one is dark blue, with Trump’s name emblazoned with the American flag’s stars and stripes. Underneath that is the phrase: Make Liberals Cry Again.

Now that bothered me. Because now it is not expressing an opinion about the amount of bullshit happening, but saying that you should vote for Trump to hurt other people, to vote out if a sense of malice, to elect him just to cause pain.

Why? Why does that seem like an ok thing to say? I have never said that we should vote for someone to hurt another person (well I guess Republicans believe that businesses are people so if you look at it that way…)

It just really concerned me because how could you even hope to converse with someone like that. The “no more bullshit” person sounds open to a debate, you probably won’t change their mind, but it sounds like their issue is with the government and how it is run. But the “make liberals cry” person? They are cruel, mean, and clearly don’t care if they cause harm.

And how can that feel like the side you want to vote for? This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

politics, real_world

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