Monday is currently my "late day" - working the 12:45-9 shift.
But at my previous position, I worked Weds/Thurs as my late shifts and so my body still thinks "OH hey, we got to sleep in, must be Wednesday!" and I'm like "no, body, no. This is just the beginning."
I can't wait until January when I flip back to my Wednesdays. Especially now that I'm a manager. Too much "stuff" can happen over the weekend and too many things are due on Monday mornings, I would rather be there at the start of the day. Like, today I need to rush in an double check timecards because they are due. It's not a huge deal with my small staff, and my Librarian usually takes care of it for me, but it's the principal of the thing, I feel like I should be there!
Um...yeah I was just killing time until I need to leave for work so thanks for reading! :D
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