PAX East 2020

Oct 26, 2019 14:46

Had a bit of a panic moment yesterday morning when I was at our big general staff meeting at work and decided to glance at Twitter only to find out that PAX East Friday badges were listed as "LOW". I did NOT expect that, in fact, I was hoping to wait another week so that my credit card statement would roll over before buying them but seeing that "LOW" I bought them right then and there.

So, I'm all set for Thursday/Friday and bringing along my two friends. Tim opted out this year, but he said one of the people from his game group that we met up with last PAX said if I wanted to meet up with them again for dinner, I was welcome to, which I thought was very sweet, especially since I don't play Star Citizen unless I am pressured into it LOL.

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pax, my_adventures, conventions

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