all the faces in all the palms

Dec 11, 2018 09:48

Poor Pillowfort AGAIN. They apparently had an "incident" yesterday with someone spamming child porn/sexually explicit content so they have to quickly update their ToS to be a little clearer on what can and cannot be posted. And now the comments are full of people attempting to justify their child porn/eerily underage porn collection and it is just weird. Or people saying that they are going to be attacked for shipping certain people.

Is that what Tumblr had become? A bunch of people fighting over fandom rather than enjoying it?

And, it's like, do they even READ what they are posting? They are like "oh but there are plenty of teen protags in anime and so much porn about them everywhere else!" yeah, well then go everywhere else if you know you can post your creepy child anime porn artwork there. That is fine. Just not on Pillowfort.

I dunno, I consider myself a pretty liberal person, relatively progressive, but reading people's comments that the Harry Potter characters are 14 in a book and they just HAVE to make artwork of these 14 year olds making out and they MUST be allowed to share it online...then make your own website?

At this point, I'm just really annoyed with the Tumblr people and don't want them on PF if that is how they are going to behave. I know it isn't everyone that uses Tumblr, but wow, it does make it FEEL like everyone, doesn't it?

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ranty mcranterson, ranty_mcranterson, random_fandom, internetz

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