silent night

Dec 10, 2018 22:42

Poor Pillowfort, so much attention and it was not ready for it. I keep trying to check the site and usually I have it up for about 5 minutes and then I'll try to comment or post and it errors out on me. I have a feeling people will give up soon enough but it is still too bad. I can tell you that EVERYONE uses it from 1-3 because I was playing with it at work (shhhhhh) and in the morning it was fine and then right at lunch time CRASH.

GoodReads just generated my "year in review" but I'm not done yet! I've got a couple graphic novels on my desk that I am determined to finish. Not going to hit my goal of 100 books, but 70 is respectable.

Tree is decorated!

Kermit is one of my favorite ornaments. I tried to share it on PF but it kept rotating the image and I can't stay logged in long enough to fix it. :\ John Denver and the Muppets "Christmas Together" album is my favorite holiday album. Whole thing is up on Spotify too which makes me happy, means I'm not alone! If you have not listened to it, make sure you do. Especially "Silent Night" since it is the 200th anniversary of the writing of that song this year.

EDIT: HA YouTube to the rescue!

image Click to view

Do you have a favorite Christmas ornament or holiday decoration?

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holidays, muppets, social_media, internetz

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