(no subject)

Feb 25, 2018 22:43

As usual, I didn't read the ol' friends list Friday-Sunday and I just spent an hour trying to speed read everyone's posts! SORRY!! I commented when I had something to say but otherwise, I'm not going to lie -

Forgot to mention this last week but PINK HAIR!

Listened to the new Wombats album on repeat all week and I'm still loving it. They just have a fun sound. I am loving my Spotify subscription and I am considering keeping it after the discount period ends because 1) I hate music radio because it is the same crap ALL THE TIME and so hard to find new music 2) listening to NPR more than once a week makes me depressed and 3) being able to find new music by new bands or new music by bands I like that would never be played on the radio is a better way to start my day. So keep any suggestions coming of new bands/music/singles.

The weekend flew by but mostly because we may have imbibed a bit on Friday night so we slept away a good chunk of Sunday. It was funny because we had a couple glasses of wine and Tim brought up YouTube on his phone to play an old Shin songs for me that he had recently heard and then we fell into this weird pop/rock/alternative hole which then slid into this nostalgic 90s then 80s music video trip LOL. But it was fun to just be silly and dance around the A-Ha way too loud at midnight. THIS is why we bought a house, right? :)

Also, I apparently LOVE Zinfandel. I just gets you the right amount of tipsy.

My brother did the mandatory check in the night he arrived at Navy basic training - they have a strict script that all the recruits have to follow when they called home. So she got the call and he said "I'm here. I'm safe. You'll be getting a package from me soon. I will call again in 2 weeks." and then they have to hang up and hand the phone to the next guy. It is SO WEIRD in this world of being constantly connected to friends and family to suddenly be so cut off. I mean, other people leave for college or new jobs etc. but they can email you updates or post online about how they are getting by each day. But for this, nothing. It makes sense and I'm sure he's too busy/exhausted to post anyway (he barely posted about things when he was here!) but it is so strange to think that if I texted or called, no one would answer.

ANYWAY this is a busy busy week
  • Elementary school visit tomorrow for their Guest Reader Day
  • Leadership Training on Tuesday

  • Crashing a Community group meeting on Wednesday (they are using our meeting space so I'm supposed to go in and be a mole)
  • Eye exam + training on how to work with the homeless on Thursday
  • ESCAPE ROOM on Friday

It is all good because next weekend is my BIRTHDAY weekend. My birthday is on Sunday so I have taken off next Monday as my Birthday Observed. Which works about because Tim's daughter's birthday is also this week so we will be celebrating her birthday on my birthday when it comes to birthday dinner. So Monday will be my pick. Or Saturday. Not sure which. I flipped my schedule around to do the Escape Room program so Saturday will just be Sylvia and I without her Dad so maybe we will get up to some shenanigans - like sushi for lunch or a movie or something.

Have a lovely week everyone!

This entry was originally posted at https://orangerful.dreamwidth.org/1263481.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

hairstyles, music, haircut, real_world, librarian, marriage, photos

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