
Nov 04, 2017 22:24

So I have not been keeping up with my DW/LJ lists these past few weeks. Sorry! There were a bunch of games on sale on Steam and I have just been a gaming fool! Plus, some fun stuff ate up the time I would usually use for browsing, like going to see a lecture on the music of 'Sgt. Pepper'. Work has been crazy as I am getting my new duties as part of ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

erychan86 November 5 2017, 05:53:23 UTC
Hello there!!! I hope that even if you’re busy at work you are enjoying the promotion :) so I hope is good busy :)

Some friends of mine are watching midhunters and they love it... i think they finished it now but I didn’t know it was actually “scary” good to know... if I decide to watch it I’ll do it during the day time!!! I still have to start Stranger Things as well (still catching up with all my other shows) and the same friends LOVED it!!! I managed not to step into any spoiler but I’d better watch it soon because I know I won’t be that lucky for long!


geekslave November 5 2017, 07:02:04 UTC
I just watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first time, too.

Just finished the new season of Stranger Things tonight. I liked it! The acting - especially from the kids - is still top notch!



orangerful November 6 2017, 15:46:48 UTC
It was definitely a right of passage thing. I'm not into horror that much, but I am into film, and it is hard to deny the effect that movie had on popular culture, not just horror. I'm glad to check it off my list but HOOBOY do I not need to see it again (though it did make me want to finish playing the new Resident Evil game)

We just finished Stranger Things last night! Still forming coherent thoughts but, overall, I liked it. The kids acted their asses off for sure!


geekslave November 6 2017, 20:51:32 UTC
I don't really need to see it again, either. I get why it was iconic at the time it came out and why a lot of people liked/like it - and maybe it's just because I've seen so many horror movies now - but I just ended up laughing a lot towards the end. The characters did so many stupid things!



nemophilist November 5 2017, 11:38:15 UTC

I'm really intrigued by Mindhunter but I'm sure it'll freak the shit out of me haha.


kseenaa November 5 2017, 21:12:26 UTC
I've started to go through my to-watch list on Netflix... Currently working my way through season 2 - 9 of Rupauls Dragrace, because why the hell not? X-D

I've been considering Stranger Things, but I think I'll go through Black Sails instead. Also, I did watch the first season of Frontier, and HOLY HELL! SO RECOMMEND IT!!! o.O Season 2 is apparently coming up soon to...


touchofgr3y November 6 2017, 01:35:04 UTC
I am loving Mindhunter :)


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