(no subject)

Nov 04, 2017 22:24

So I have not been keeping up with my DW/LJ lists these past few weeks. Sorry! There were a bunch of games on sale on Steam and I have just been a gaming fool! Plus, some fun stuff ate up the time I would usually use for browsing, like going to see a lecture on the music of 'Sgt. Pepper'. Work has been crazy as I am getting my new duties as part of my promotion and handling the work of my coworker that just left on maternity leave. Plus I think I had a reaction to the new kitty litter I bought and my nose was just not happy, my sinuses were throbbing with pain every night and I realized it was after I had cleaned the litter. So now I put on a hazmat suit mask to cover my mouth and nose before I scoop.

Also, I got sucked into Mindhunter. I have about 25 minute left in the last episode and then I will have binge watched the whole show in about a week. It is giving me all kinds of Hannibal feels since the premise of the show is loosely based on the FBI agents that defined "serial killer" for the world.

But the weird thing is, this is hitting me way harder than any other creepy show. I loved Hannibal and I just watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first time but neither of those kept me up at night the way Mindhunter has. Literally. I keep getting up around 2-3am to use the bathroom, get back into bed, and then every sound I hear is someone in the house. I've really never had this happen to be before and my only thought is that this show is TOO REAL. I mean, they are talking about real serial killers.

So this is why I have still have 25 minutes of the show left to watch and instead of watching, I am typing up this blog entry at 10:30pm at night. Because if I tried to watch it (and everyone says the last episode is a doozy) I know I will be up all night.

Speaking of Netflix shows, we are about halfway through this season of Stranger Things and I am really enjoying it. I was skeptical during the first two episodes that I would be as invested this season, but now that we are in it, I am both anxious to finish the season and dreading having to wait another year for the show to return.

Okay, time to go patrol the DARKEST DUNGEON for a few minutes then crawl into bed and continue reading Strange Weather by Joe Hill.

Sorry for being a bad internet friend LOL. I need to go back and set up email subscriptions again for everyone's journals to remind me to read your posts!

This entry was originally posted at https://orangerful.dreamwidth.org/1252480.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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