that book meme #16

Jun 27, 2016 23:10

16: Rant about anything book related

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books, ranty mcranterson, ranty_mcranterson, meme

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ericadawn16 June 28 2016, 04:04:59 UTC
Umm, I like the graphic novel phase. To me, it's not that different from the Fotonovels* they had for Grease, etc. or the comic book adaptations that would be later collected for the trade paperback. If we include Jurassic Park the novel and its film merchandise, then it DOES have an adult book, children's book, picture book and comic book. I miss when films would have juvenile AND adult adaptations so I was happy that TFA bought that back ( ... )


orangerful June 28 2016, 15:19:40 UTC
I'm not talking about the easy reader versions so much as these Non-Fiction titles that they adapt for teens and it's like, teens would be able to handle the regular version of the book. My fear is that these "young reader's editions" are sanitized, which bothers me ( ... )


ericadawn16 June 29 2016, 00:43:13 UTC
They do still do novelizations of the movies for kids
No, I was specifically referring to what used to be done for films appealing to younger viewers and adults where there are junior novelizations AND adult novelizations of the same film. I find those more interesting because you would think they would be the same but they're not especially depending on which script they received and how they interpreted things. Heck, the junior novelization for TFA is more gut wrenching than the adult one! TFA was the first time I had seen both novelizations available in a long time...although being published much later was annoying...but not as annoying as Marvel's tactic of only printing half the film in their novelizations.

though I always find it hilarious when the movie is based on a book so the novelization is based on a movie that was based on a book...).Again, I love these because they often provide insight into the filming process. They're usually off the shooting script or an even earlier one so in the pre-internet era, this was the only ( ... )


meepalicious June 29 2016, 11:35:16 UTC
Sorry to butt in… I knew about the Bloomsbury editions, but what are the Scholastic "adult" cover Harry Potter books? (I collect cover variants of Sorcerer's Stone.)


ericadawn16 June 30 2016, 01:53:23 UTC
I hate how search engines are done now. It's very hard to find anything from before the last five years. I finally had to go on Amazon and this is one of them:

I know they did the first three but I can't guarantee or remember if they did all seven in this manner because it didn't sell as well.


meepalicious July 1 2016, 12:17:20 UTC
/whips out credit card

I've never seen that edition before! I don't know how I missed it. Thank you!


ericadawn16 July 1 2016, 23:13:16 UTC
Yay! I'm glad I could help, that one used to be a major mass market paperback so even drugstores and grocery stores had it.

Since you collect different versions, I'm curious about your opinion. For a few years now, my mom's been thinking how I should replace my books. She even suggested getting me new ones and giving the originals to my nephews but I was too sentimental so we gave the new ones to my nephew. Also, they smelled like cigarette of the few Amazon fails.

I always thought if I were to buy new copies, I would want the UK versions so I've been thinking about buying the new illustrated editions through UK Amazon, what do you think?


meepalicious July 4 2016, 13:28:21 UTC
Well, I know I could never get rid of my originals… I'm wayyy too sentimental.

I love the new U.K. illustrated editions! I don't usually buy the whole series, just the first book, but these are so nice I might buy all seven. (I already have the first book.) The new American paperbacks illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi are nice, too - when you line them up on the shelf, the spines make an image of Hogwarts Castle.

If you wanna save on shipping for the U.K. editions, maybe try Abe Books or Book Depository?


ericadawn16 July 5 2016, 01:43:58 UTC

I've seen the new Kibuishi and they're nice but...I don't think I could ever get new paperbacks like that. My first four books are all paperbacks...another reason my mom and I were thinking about a replacement set. For the first four, I would read the hardback from the library and buy the paperback once it came out but by OotP, I needed to read it IMMEDIATELY!!! So, I have 5,6 and 7 in hardback.

Hmm, those are good ideas. I'll compare them with UK Amazon...I've heard the shipping for UK Amazon really isn't that much and the last time I looked with the conversion rate, the UK version on their site was actually cheaper than the American version on the American site!


orangerful June 29 2016, 17:43:21 UTC
I'm not really bothered by the true easy reader/elementary aged reader editions of books. Obviously those have different vocabulary etc. (though now I'm wondering if we bought the Force Awakens junior novelization...I just got the Rey's Survival book and a hardcover book but it resembles more of a picture book than least Star Wars has never changed from their usual marketing tactic LOL ( ... )


ericadawn16 June 30 2016, 02:18:40 UTC
Umm, no, I even want to pick up the British editions of the Harry Potter books because while the Americanization was less with each was still there ( ... )


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