tv show thoughts

Apr 19, 2015 15:01

Just finished watching Season 3, episode 1 of Orphan Black. My biggest concern right now is wondering if the show runners know where this is all going. It is starting to get VERY complicated and it could easily become too confusing to watch.

[Spoiler (click to open)]Delphine went evil pretty quick, pressing on Rachael's empty eye socket like that. I guess she is in theRead more... )

orphan_black, tv:justified, tv_shows

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Comments 3

rogueslayer452 April 20 2015, 02:34:35 UTC
I'm fascinated with what is happening with Delphine. She basically has become quite cold and calculated as she's filling in Rachel's place at the moment, and her interrogation of Rachel was interesting to watch. I don't know how far they'll be going with her character in this position, but I'm quite intrigued with it.

Helena and her little scorpion hallucinated friend was interesting, as well. I think it's mostly her coping mechanism, something that she reverts to when some bad shit is happening. Needless to say, it's a fascinating look to what is happening in her brain, like that dream sequence in the beginning, which was lovely because it represents her happy place. Being surrounded by the family she wants and deserves. Though I am worried about her and what is going to happen with her.

I am happy that Sarah is determined to find her, though. Like, she'll stop at nothing until she gets Helena back.

Re: Agents of Shield, I'm really loving the season. I'm mostly in this for the Inhumans storyline, though, and what's happening with ( ... )


ragnarok_08 April 20 2015, 03:19:19 UTC
Yeah, I'm curious about what's going on with Delphine - it made my stomach flip too.


lisabella April 23 2015, 05:18:40 UTC
I wish S.H.I.E.L.D. would get back to finding people with extraordinary powers and stop this...whatever they're doing.


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