Pinkie Pie and I both tested positive for ENFP

Sep 26, 2014 00:10

We watched the newest episode of SHIELD last night and I was...underwhelmed. There was a lot of flash, bang, boom but I'm just not feeling as pulled in as I want to be. I think I might let these pile up on Hulu for a bit like I did last season and maybe marathon them later. Unless the internet explodes like it did at the end of last season, forcing me to watch. It makes me sad not to love this show, but it just feels like they are biding time until the next Marvel movie and the series is just one big prequel.

[spoilery comments about S2E1]
Good: I did like seeing the guy from Dollhouse as the Nazi because he's such a good actor and I like having him on my tv.

Agent Carter cameo made me happy and ready to see her show.

Also, Ward is 100 times more interesting as this on-the-edge personality. Another blogger referred to him as SHIELD's Hannibal...and I'm fine with that. I am fine with him being crazy and irredeemable.

Fitz...Simmons...the only part of the show that gave me intense feels were those last few seconds. (Also, at one point I thought he said something about them knowing he wasn't the real Fitz...which made me think he was a clone or was revived the same way as Coulson...or maybe I misheard).

Bad: What a waste of Lucy Lawless. Blah.

I guess Creel was from the comics but he came off as a lame X-Men character.

I just don't really care? Sadly, I feel like the weakest link right now is Coulson. Like everyone else has evolved but he's still Coulson? I dunno.

After being disappointed by the SHIELD premiere, I did go back and watch an episode of Sleepy Hollow since I never finished out Season 1 and I was much happier with it than I was with SHIELD.

We're up to Season 3 of Parks & Rec. OMG this show is quickly moving up my list and may soon be on my all-time favorites list. It's just impressed me so much, I can't even.

And for those of you that are amused by Personality Tests, padfootie posted this test link and then a link to fictional characters with the same personality types.

I got ENFP (variant: assertive, role: diplomat).

You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality. You are known for your enthusiasm, optimism and intuitive skills.

My favorite ENFP from the list:

Rapunzel from Tangled
Troy Barnes from Community
Aang from Avatar: the Last Airbender
Marty McFly from Back to the Future
Jareth from Labyrinth
Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony
Captain Kirk from Star Trek
Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars (hide your younglings!)
Anna from Frozen
Linda Belcher from Bob's Burgers

about_me, quiz, tv_shows

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