Usual E3 spazzing...

Jun 11, 2014 00:00

It's June which means E3 which means lots of excitement about games !!! Tim said if they come out with an xbox one forza bundle he will buy it lol. I need the One now because of forza and dance central - exclusives! Plus dragon age !!! And whatever else Bioware has been teasing all week. And, of course, Assassin's Creed V which looks epic and so very pretty.

Apparently Nintendo announced super smash bros for Wii U which is a game I've never really got. They are trying the Skylanders model of selling toys that will give you in-game characters which I am unmoved by. They also announced a new Zelda game for 2015 but it has gone back to a very cartoony look. I like Zelda but right now that is the only wii U game I am interested in.

I'm typing this on my iPad while we play Age of Wonders III on the PC. Every Tuesday night we game online with our friend who lives in California. He bought Tim and I this game for Tim's birthday. It's sorta like Civ and the total war games had a baby and that baby was really onto LotR. Took me a game to really get it (but games last us a few sessions since we only play for 3 hours at most.) but I have the hang of it now. It's fun but the battles can happen in real time if you do Manual mode so that's a lot of downtime for the rest of the players as they wait for your turn to unfold. Which is how I've managed to type this entry up :)

I'll post some trailers for the games I'm most excited about tomorrow since it's usually bedtime when we finally log off for the night.

via ljapp, video_games, e3

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