endless cycle of Sims...

Jun 09, 2014 18:51

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This happens every time. They have announced Sims 4 and I WANT IT SO BAD! I haven't played Sims 3 in months but I don't care because Sims 4 will be better!

I wish they would release the specs, I'm curious to know if my PC (which I pretty much had built to PLAY Sims 3 on it's initial release) can handle Sims 4. I hope so. I think I read somewhere that MAXIS/EA was trying to build it so it wouldn't require massive hardware upgrades from everyone. Usually every time I have to get a new computer it is because of a Sims game LOL. You'd think I would learn?!

They also announced a new Dance Central game for Xbox One...but it only comes with 10 songs! (and one of them is that AWFUL "Talk Dirty" song which I cannot STAND!...though it might be fun to dance to). I'm so close to just buying the Xbox One. But maybe I can get Santa to chip in...

video_games, wishlist, sims, games

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