quick post about lots of little things

Jan 27, 2014 22:57

Haven't posted in awhile, the video games got me! I finished the main storyline for Tomb Raider, though I need to go back and get all the bonus stuff. I've been playing baseball with Tim on PS3, which I suck at. Blizzard launched the open Beta of Hearthstone which is silly fun and I played a bunch of games with my brother. And, of course, Hay Day. Stupid stupid Hay Day. And that damn Frozen game. Did not mean to get sucked into that but I needed something to do while waiting for my crops to grow.

Also keeping up with my TV now that my shows are back - Justified, Archer, Community and American Horror Story. I finally caught up on Sherlock too. SO MANY THOUGHTS. Short version - I sorta loved Series 3. I clearly need to read/listen to some actual Sherlock stories though as I feel like I'm missing out on lots of inside jokes.

OH and I started working on my 2013 mix CD. Running a bit late this year but I got a few CDs for Christmas and now I have enough songs to make a full mix. Look for details later.


I'm hoping I have a better experience than last time when the stupid drunk chick dragged her friends in front of me. My goal is to get up into the balcony area, where the drunk people are probably less since the bar is downstairs and I'm hoping the stairs will prove too big of an obstacle.

Eddie Izzard announced US Tour Dates and he will be in DC in May. I am so tempted to try to get tickets. He is one of my favorite comedians of all time. They are pricey though, about $50 each eep. But he doesn't tour that often state side! ENABLE ME PEOPLE!!!!

We watched The Way Way Back tonight, which I think I liked...need to sleep on it I think.

video_games, tv_shows, yearlymixcd

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