Ask Me Anything (but you'll have to wait a month to get the answer)

Jan 25, 2014 19:14

I've seen this on my flist a few times this week and thought it might be fun to play along!

Pick a day of the month of February, any day. Then, give me a topic to talk about in my journal on that date. You can also ask me a question to answer on that day, whatever you prefer.

Feb. 1: What is the best thing you have learned from being involved in fandom? What is the worst thing?
Feb. 2: The best book and the worst book that you've ever read.
Feb. 3:
Feb. 4: If you could say one thing to someone you admire (be it someone famous or someone you know irl), who would it be and what would you say?
Feb. 5: Traditional media versus new media. Your thoughts.
Feb. 6:
Feb. 7:
Feb. 8:
Feb. 9:
Feb. 10: Would you rather be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team?"
Feb. 11:
Feb. 12:
Feb. 13:
Feb. 14: first crush?
Feb. 15:
Feb. 16: Zombie apocalypse or machine uprising? What would be your survival strategies for either scenario?
Feb. 17:
Feb. 18:
Feb. 19:
Feb. 20: What is one topic that you are passionate about that most people don't know/aren't educated on/wish more people would talk about more?
Feb. 21:
Feb. 22:
Feb. 23:
Feb. 24:
Feb. 25:
Feb. 26:
Feb. 27:
Feb. 28:


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