orangepencils Nov 22, 2013 00:30
omg, lolwut, my emotions they are, michel tremblay, photography, je fail, just stuff, traveling, funny story, ahhhhhh!, my head is about to explode, movember, univarcity, friends, le métro, forever incoherent, i'm tired, life, family, lameness, k.
orangepencils Nov 11, 2013 21:12
omg, my emotions they are, fanfic, michel tremblay, usa, just stuff, traveling, ahhhhhh!, movember, le métro, forever incoherent, i should be doing homework, i'm tired, life, lameness, k.
orangepencils Nov 02, 2013 14:42
lolwut, michel tremblay, movember, i should be doing homework, just stuff, funny story, life, ahhhhhh!, lameness, family, k.