Fandom: Naruto
Title: The Death of Uchiha Itachi (1/1)
Summary: Somehow, he knew it was going to end like this. It still kind of pissed him off, though...
Rating/Genre: T (swearing) / Friendship
Pairing: sasunaru (friendship, drabble
It's over, and who knows how to feel about it now...
The kyuubi child says something else, but Itachi can't hear him properly over the chirping of birds, can't see him through the blue haze of rasengan.
It's then that Itachi, second to last of the famed Uchiha clan, realizes he's going to die. By friendship of all things. Not hate, not revenge, not suicide, mother fucking friendship.
And even through all the pain and confusion and death he can't help but feel a little proud for his otouto.
It's so loud, and you can't hear anything but the ocean in his eyes...