To Remus

Aug 11, 2008 20:25


Sirius Black is trying something new. Sirius Black has been referring to himself in the third person, quite possibly because Sirius Black likes the sound (or sight, I Sirius Black guesses in this case) of his name/voice.

Sirius Black is also trying to stop using pronouns when referring to Sirius Black. Sirius Black is having an uneventful summer due to the fact that a majority of Sirius Black's friends are being giant twats. Summer is a time of frolicking, not pining away like James. Not a decent prank out of that sod the entire summer.

Sirius Black would like to inform Moony that Sirius Black has also been talking like this, and it hasn't bothered Prongs. THERE IS CLEARLY SOMETHING WRONG. If this means that I Sirius Black must actually do something about this.

Sirius Black has just gone and put some itching powder all over James' underpants. Not the ones he's currently wearing, because that would mean that James and Sirius have a lot of explaining to do with his red head. Sirius Black plans ahead and has placed them on all of his underpants.

Sirius Black is being left to entertain himself and hopes someone realizes how terribly dangerous that is.

Of course, danger is Sirius Black's middle name.

James is looking up romantic poetry. Looked cross when Sirius Black suggested the one that starts off 'There once was a man from Nantucket-'

Sirius Black is hoping that Moony has better poetry. if that's indeed what Prongs is reading in that book his mother gave him.

Sirius Black is going to go flick the cat's hairballs at James. It is a disgusting job, but it must be done. Havoc and all that.

Peeling all of the yellow wall paper,

Sirius Danger Black

Sirius Black did actually read a book and did not require Mrs. Potter's assistance in reading "classic literature". Sirius Black is fully capable and also in disbelief that Sirius Black has picked up a book at all this blasted summer.

summer-77, marauders, sirius, remus

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