"Lawlessness stains black on whitewashed tombs."

Apr 16, 2009 00:44

I had family from California come visit Colorado last week, I hadn't seen them in over a year and it was pretty cool having them here. We actually did some fun stuff! They came on thursday and my cousins and brother and I went to the Denver coliseum to see the Rock and Worship Road Show. It's a worship tour with MercyMe, Jeremy Camp, Hawk Nelson, Tenth avenue north, and Addison Road. The singer of Addison Road went into labor right before the Denver show, so The Afters replaced them at the last minute. Other than The Afters, I don't really listen to any of the artists that played in the show, I mean I hear their songs on the radio all the time but I don't have any of their cds. But my cousins wanted to go and my brother loves Hawk Nelson and I am all for worship so we went. It was a pretty good show, and it was all in the name of the Lord so that was a gigantic plus.

Friday morning we all packed some swimming clothes and headed up to Hot Sulphur Springs, CO (like two hours away but oh so worth it) to get away. We went to this place that had like 20 different springs to try and we spent a few hours there, it was sooo relaxing and soothing. I could've spent the entire day there and forgotten about the world. We just swam, reminisced, and relaxed. I loved going there. I really wished we could've spent the night there because it's also very remote and all the cell phones had no signal up there (which I'm actually wondering if it was done on purpose) and the atmosphere is very serene. I wish we could've spent the night at a hotel there (or motel even) and eaten dinner at one of the local restaurants and have real life suspended for the entire day but that place gets expensive. When we left we were all relieved. When we got back home in the evening we were all hungry for dinner so the parents went to a vietnamese restaurant and us younger ones went down to Belmar to eat at Elephant Bar, mmm I love that restaurant. Afterwards we just walked and explored. Saturday was full of plans so we didn't get to do much, my brother and I had the worship team rehearsal in the morning and later that night we were going to a late night church service to play with the rest of the band. The late night service was interesting, they started off showing the Passion of the Christ in honor of Easter and then there was food. After everyone ate the worship began, and there were 3 bands set to play. We were originally going to go last because we had the most songs to play and the most members but I wanted to leave early so we went on first.

Sunday was Easter and I was actually looking forward to our Easter service, it's a great reason to celebrate. The ressurection of Christ! Of course it was going to be a great service. A play was performed and then our dance team performed a special dance to commemorate the occasion.

My California family left on monday morning and it was kind of sad to see them go but I wish them the best. They told us that the economy right now is really crappy but that you can't really notice it in Colorado. They said that in California it's very much apparent, tons of business have closed down and restaurants are empty and other business have huge saving offers to try to get people to come. They also said that you can even kind of feel it in the ambience, which is sad to think about. I really hadn't even thought about it too much, I guess it's true. Sure, Colorado's been affected too but not the point where it gets to be depressing to go out. God help us all.

Tuesday night (last night!) was another concert. My brother and I went to see The Devil Wears Prada, they were headlining this time and it was such an AWESOME show!! I had no idea who the other bands were (Emarosa, Sky eats airplane, and A Day to remember) but they weren't bad either. But my main point of being there was to see TDWP. I am the type of person that when I go to the concert of a band I'm a fan of, I like to get all up in there and rock out and jump, the whole shebang. So, of course, we headed to the pit. OH MAN. The pit at this venue (the gothic theater) was MURDER. I had to fight and push to keep my spot and at one point I was getting squashed between people so much that I was having a hard time breathing. It was also like a hundred degrees in there, so that didn't help at all. This one girl in front of me actually had to be carried out by the security guards because she was starting to pass out. And these two guys next to me were starting to get in a brawl but the crowd in there was way too pushy to stay in one place. Despite everything, I hung in there til the main attraction came out and had a lot of fun. TDWP really get into it and they're such awesome people. TDWP are a screamo christian band and it was interesting to see the other bands shout at us with cusswords and then the headlining band be like "Jesus Christ Loves all of you!", I loved them for that. It's so interesting to see all the non-christian fans of TDWP too, because their lyrics don't hide their faith at all. I applaud The Devil Wears Prada. If you like screamo music then you have to check them out! Jeez, you should have seen me walking out of that concert. First of all, I was DRENCHED in sweat, seriously even my boxers were moist from the intensity haha, and then my shirt looked all mangled because of all the excess sweat, I was limping a bit because I had been standing up in a tight space squashed agains tons of people for like 3 hours and I was kind of shouting because I walked out of there half deaf almost. It was quite a sight. We were starving afterwards so we went to Denny's. I don't know if it was because I hadn't eaten in like 8 hours but Denny's was DELICIOUS last night, and we had an awesome banana split too, mmmm. Overall it was a really fun night!

Oh yeah, I've already made a decision as to where I'm going to transfer, I've decided I'm going to Colorado Christian University. Can't wait!

Well, I'm off, good night!
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