Here's what I did today~

Nov 08, 2010 01:12

I found my old PSO Sega forum account. I was going through and it's a sad realization that yes, most of my friends from PSO: Blue Burst won't be back most likely. BUT, there's going to be a huge community for PSO2, and due to the success of the Monster Hunter franchise in America alongside PSP2's harkening to some of PSO's style and even areas, there are plenty of people on PSO2... they're just a bit more of a disjointed community and harder to connect the legit players.

I leveled my Vanguard in PSP2 today to level 32, and got her another job level, putting her Vanguard-ness at level 7. I finally got "Burst Bomber" meaning traps are now stupidly broken and it's making life easier. EXPLOSIONS AND FREEZING WITH RECKLESS ABANDON! A-hem. I can't wait for this cheap plastic PSP grip that looks JUST like a PS2 controller holster for the thing comes. It's an airmail shipment though, so I'm guessing it won't be here for about 2 weeks or so. :(

The Fable novel also seems VERY interesting. I just got done with Chapter 2, and it seems pretty swish to me. I'd be playing Fable 3 more, but it's out on the big TV, and other stuff is usually done in there during possible playtime like watching stuff, or getting distracted by cooking or cleaning. Or PSP2. I dunno why I'm starting to get into this game so much.

fable 3, phantasy star portable 2

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