Whitill Wing

Nov 06, 2010 17:26

I'll start with how much of an idiot I am. I haven't played around yet with my Vizio 22" very much at all. I actually owned an Insignia 26", but my little sister wanted to keep it at home. And, since we have a huge HDTV in the living room and the same Insignia here, but not in my room I let her keep it and didn't put up a fuss, even though this Vizio for lack of a better word kind of sucks and is originally my sister's Christmas present.

I never minded before today, since it plays HDMI inputs fine... despite the volume controls being earshatteringly loud (putting it on TEN of all things seems like it makes it audible for the whole apartment).

The bad about this TV not having zoom or picture adjustment features dealing with actual size is that the PSP component cable natively goes to the tiny resolution of a PSP, and even with the TV stretching the picture by itself- this TV can only do that, so there's a lot of black around the actual game display. I knew this upon buying the cable, what I didn't know was that my Vizio didn't have the screen adjustment capabilities like the one I saw on Youtube. The same freaking brand. Grr.

But, there's light- if I want to play alone, the Insignia 26" we DO have here has a zoom feature, and it has component inputs. My concern was that because of a lack of easy typing ingame for Phantasy Star Portable 2, most parties are coordinated now through IRC. But a light to this tunnel is that many people have also been supplying some form of vent, and I have the program and headset for it, but I don't know if I'd want that since I find my voice sounds odd, I never would know what to say, and I am very used to just playing online games with a couple friends and typing at that. I hope PSO2 has a nice computer version for us here... but oddly enough I keep praying for a Mac release too. Even though I know PSO2 on a PC will be overrun with hackers in about 2 days after release. I played Blue Burst that way though, and managed to make it through, so here's hoping they won't fuck it up as bad as the PSU "common box" stealing shit. I was so glad I got out of the game before that happened. I sometimes contemplate trying to play PSU on the 360, then I remember it's $10 a month and that I hate the tech and class mechanics of the game. PSO's appeal to me was that it was simple. You chose a class, and you worked with it. You found disks to level techs. You didn't have to recharge PP on EVERY SINGLE WEAPON and then go through a mission with awesome freaking daggers with an awesomely leveled attack skill on them, and then when you were in the mission you had to buy expensive photon charges or wait for the mystical PP cube and just spam spam spam Photon Arts to beat things. This is what I love about PSP2... you actually have to THINK, exception to the broken, stupid-effective trap systems the Vanguard has. Even then, since you have to rely on evading a bit early on, it's still risky and fun since certain things can and will kill in 3-4 hits.

But anyways, I digress. I'm working on cleaning up my room and making the classic gaming shelf. Top tier has the 360 and TV (which will most likely move from that perch to my computer desk when I play PSP on the TV), second tier will have the N64 and Dreamcast, 3rd tier currently has all my Xbox 360 games (amazingly enough)- going to try and squeeze some non-360 games in there somehow, and the bottom shelf is for books and controllers, but I might move some of the books to another shelf once I construct that.

Also, I can now play SNES on my iPod touch.:) The touch screen is a bit hard to finangle in platformers though! But I started a new Earthbound save there to play. And I'm loving it.

Now to clean and earn some of my Epic Win! iPod Touch app goals leveled up!:D

earthbound, snes, psp, phantasy star portable 2

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