Lost Girl 1x02 "Where There's a Will, There's a Fae"

Sep 24, 2010 16:41

Such a small scene with Lauren... but there are other caps!

22 gifs from Lost Girl 1x02.


"Trust me, buddy, you already got lucky."

Is she always just carrying those brass knuckles around? I'm not surprised. Bo isn't either.

Kenzi does not enjoy babysitting.

You are a terrible spy. But you're gorgeous, so it's okay.

"Just a snack..."
I love how she just loses herself. Which makes sense, of course, but it's so fun to watch.

RAWR! Bo getting all aggressive and doing the succubus' version of vamping out (Buffy-style) is awesome. I want to see her get crazy with it later in the season.

"I'm sorry."
I love how freaked out Kenzi looks. Hello, yeah, you're tagging along with a succubus. Kind of dangerous, get it now? (I'd still stick with it too)

You're a dork, Kenzi. I love it. ♥

"Or maybe he wasn't listening... You get it? No head... okay."
I don't care about anyone else, I laughed.

*bow chicka bow wow!*

I gotta say, I'm really starting to enjoy the way these two happen to have a sense of each other's presence. Lauren's reaction, "How long you been standing there?" makes me inclined to believe that it's not the first time someone has been able to sneak up on her while she's in the depths of work. And Bo being, "I like watching a professional at work." She likes watching that professional at work. Bent over a microscope. I see what you did there, Bo.

"It's just boring research."
YEAH, UH HUH. Studying a species that thrives on sexual energy is soooooo boring, I'm sure.

Bo sure is a lot more shy when asking Lauren for help.

"You don't understand the politics of this world. I could be dangerous for me to even be talking to you."
Lauren, do you really think that's going to stop you from sexing helping Bo?

"Should I be worried right now?"
"I have desires... not enough to kill someone, but *chuckle* ... who else has to say this kind of stuff?"
JEEZ, YOU TWO. Does anyone else feel the crazy attraction between them? They keep getting all giggly and smiley around each other. This is okay, because I have a crush on Lauren's quirky smile. ♥

"There's something I developed for an incubus I treated..."
Oh, we knew you'd give in eventually. That serum that treats an incubus was pretty close at hand. Very boring research, indeed, Dr. Lauren.

"See if we can ramp you back to randy-frisky, even."
Bo can't stop looking at her hands. Until Lauren says the word "randy." I'm could be reaching a little... but, well, I obviously don't believe that really like my POV on this so far. And the way that Bo looks at her feels very intense, like she doesn't even realize that she can't look away.

"You should think about joining the Light fae, then I wouldn't have to hide my helping you."
UNF. Lauren's eyes during that pause. They convey so much more than what she's saying (though her words are heartful and meaningful in themselves).

Baring your neck much, Bo? (Don't worry, I'm sure it worked.)

"Seriously, thank you." "Mhm."
I feel like this was a good snippet that was telling of what kind of character Lauren might be (as episodes air and the audience gets to know her). She has to be aware of her attraction to Bo. I think she also knows that she's helping Bo for a mixture of professional (research/light-side/keeping humans safe) and personal reasons (which is selfish). She knows she needs to hold back, but she isn't (or she that she can't).

Shorter version: (because it needed to be done)

Lauren's tongue makes a repeat guest appearance this episode. We're going two for two so far!

She looks back at her work so crestfallen, it's mixed between "How am I supposed to research succubi now? My concentration is broken." and "I really wish sleeping with Bo wouldn't result in death." Me too, Lauren. Me too. Go fiddle with your science, I'm sure you'll find a way around it. ;)

No credits needed, but no hot linking, please! ♥

bo/lauren, femslash, gifs, lost girl, gifspam

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