Wednesday Reading

May 15, 2013 08:36

I am actually reading the thing I said I would read next! I started To Love and to Cherish by Patricia Gaffney over the weekend and am loving it so far. I've been highlighting a lot of quotes, in the hope that when I'm done I'll be able to use them to form some coherent thoughts, as I did for To Have and To Hold. My favorite line so far is about ( Read more... )

gaffney, fanfiction, avengers, reading wednesday, historical, romance

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Comments 4

gwynnega May 15 2013, 22:33:07 UTC
I just ordered Doll Bones.

which is making me wish someone would do a vid combining footage of Jo Grant with a bunch of Glam Rock videos from Top of the Pops.

Now I wish someone would do that too. Especially including this glam rock clip.


oracne May 17 2013, 13:15:25 UTC
ZOMG I would totally not be surprised to see Jo in that clip.


barbarienne May 16 2013, 16:42:04 UTC
I don't recall you reccing the Liz Hand book to me. Do you know someone else who is going to Iceland?


oracne May 17 2013, 13:13:33 UTC
You are going to Iceland? I did not know!!! When?!

I know someone else who is going to Iceland, leaving Saturday.


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