Wednesday Reading

May 15, 2013 08:36

I am actually reading the thing I said I would read next! I started To Love and to Cherish by Patricia Gaffney over the weekend and am loving it so far. I've been highlighting a lot of quotes, in the hope that when I'm done I'll be able to use them to form some coherent thoughts, as I did for To Have and To Hold. My favorite line so far is about Lent. Sort of.

Christy and Anne are an interesting pair - both think no one can understand their true, imperfect selves, and both are more compassionate than they realize. I love the realism of their conflicts and of their attraction to each other.

In the fanfiction world, I'm reading Freezer Burn by Domenika Marzione (domarzione) - I was introduced to Marzione's fic because of its original secondary characters and meticulously accurate military feel (I suspect she either served in the military or very closely with it). Those attributes works beautifully with the Captain America point of view in this lengthy, well-thought-out vision of S.H.I.E.L.D.'S discovery and reaction to the resurgence of HYDRA. It's set in the movieverse, though the other Avengers characters are not foregrounded for most of it. The best thing? Peggy!!! She's been in numerous scenes so far, and none of them wasted. There's also some excellent use of Black Widow.

And I continue to work my way through About Time 3: The Unauthorized Guide to Doctor Who (Seasons 7 to 11), which is making me wish someone would do a vid combining footage of Jo Grant with a bunch of Glam Rock videos from Top of the Pops.

In the last week, I finished a book for review (and the review!). I also read a bunch of fanfiction that I didn't love enough to review, or that I didn't finish.

Next up is, most likely, Forever and Ever by Patricia Gaffney, the last book in the Wyckerley trilogy, about which I know absolutely nothing. I don't think I'll reread To Have and to Hold, I'll just remind myself of the plot.

But I also seem to be in the mood for some sort of dark mystery or thriller. This might be a result of a friend of mine going to Iceland for vacation, which led to me reccing her Liz Hand's Available Dark. Which reminds me, I still have to go back and read Generation Loss. But I don't think that will be the next one I read, since I don't have it yet.

And I have another book for review. Since the galley is paper, I might save it for my long flights to and from WisCon next week.

And I have the usual pile of things for preview.

And I was recced an Avengers AU in which the characters are Olympic athletes.

Acquired this week: Doll Bones by Holly Black, which looks terrific. *bounce* I need to finish up her last trilogy before I'll allow myself to read this, but they're all short, I could do it in a weekend...if only I had a weekend to just lie around and read, which won't happen in the near future.

Not sure if I'll be posting next week, as I have social stuff going on up until I leave for WisCon, which means I'll have to read in the crevices of things. Plus I am hoping to finish a story and send it off before I leave (June 1 deadline) - I am well on the way to accomplishing this goal! Today is looking at the zero draft printed out and deciding on an ending!

gaffney, fanfiction, avengers, reading wednesday, historical, romance

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