I never did the obligatory I-graduated-and-I-have-the-pictures-to-prove-it! post...here it is! Long overdue, but there you have it. They also happen to be completely out of sequential order, but. Well.
The pictures are larger than I usually post because I'm far too tired to do anything about it. Maybe later, yea?
Here I am sitting in the shade...next to the only library whose location I ever knew on campus.
More shade. My explanation for the face was that there were a lot of bugs. Really. I swear!
Oh the lovely post-mortarboard hair is even more squished than I imagined! I ran into the bathroom once I was finally allowed out of the tent and changed into my alumni t-shirt. How much of a dork am I that I muttered to myself it's alumnus, assholes while putting it on? Anywho...
Walking around campus wearing the tent. Do you have any idea how goddamn hot that shit is? You can't see it, but I had my trusty water bottle at all times. Also note that I'm wearing combat boots and pants. My mom turned an awesome mottled red when she saw my outfit of freedom.
My dad said, "Go act like you're opening the door!" So I did. And, if you look at my ass-region closely, you can tell that I never tucked my shirt in. Ha!
Me standing in front of the building where my office was. My mom was so pissed when she saw that her reflection shows up...good times. Good. Times.
My dad and I were instructed to "act like we actually fucking like each other!" That, of course, made me snort a little...which my mom was kind enough to capture.
This isn't a graduation picture, but I find it amusing enough to post in this batch anyway. We were in Sedona, and it was bright. And I was tired. Plus my shirt rocks!
Maybe next time I'll post the pictures of my new apartment that I've been promising certain people *cough*