Life Update

Mar 19, 2009 13:37

Okay, I’ll try now for a general update. About time, hmmm?

As some of you know, I had a scare a month ago as I was driving to work. My heart started racing, my chest started burning, and I felt like I might pass out. I pulled in at a convenience store and called 911.

I was taken to the emergency room and was released about 3 hours later. All they could tell me was that I did not have a heart attack. I was referred to a cardiologist. I have taken a stress test and I wore a heart monitor for three weeks. So far, nothing has been found, and the heart monitor was a pain to wear, especially at night. I did not rest well. I tossed and turned, which kept Samantha awake as well. We were both extremely glad to see the monitor go.

My doctor and I are looking into the possibility of the problem being related to gall bladder or acid reflux. I’m going for a sonogram tomorrow to check the gall bladder and my doctor has adjusted my GERD meds. We’ll see how things go from there. I can still tell that I’m not really right. I just feel…out of sorts. Some days are better than others. Overall, I can’t complain, though. It could have been much worse.

Things otherwise are going pretty well here. We are pretty well in our new routine now that Samantha is working again. I’m starting to write more again (as evidenced by 3 post in as many day, which is a good sign. When I write I am happy.

I would ask that you all keep Samantha’s sister in your thoughts and prayers. She is going through some serious health issues right now and we are very concerned about her.

I hope that you all have been doing well. I really haven’t been on here in a month or so. It’s good to be back.

family, health, life

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