Back Home Again

Jan 27, 2008 14:47

So, I have spent the past week with Samantha, getting to know her family. Though I'd been sweating it beforehand, I had a really good time. Getting home was a bit of a pain, however.

After an over 4 hour delay at Chicago's O' Hare airport. I was supposed to be back home at roughly 4:47 last evening. My plane touched down at 8:55 last night. Thankfully, my luggage arrived safely with me and all is well, though I am very tired. I skipped church this morning and have lounged about most of the day. I will have to go out to get minor provisions this evening, I think.

The trip did go very well, I thought. You never know the things people think without saying them but most  of Samantha's family expressed happiness and approval. I still don't have a good sense of what her mother feels, but she never said anything that could be construed as negative. I'll take that as a good sign. There are certain areas of conversation that I feel would be best avoided around her, but that's true of most people.

No, they were all very real and down to earth people. Her family all made sure that I was well fed, entertained, and taken care of. I felt very welcome. I felt the best rapport with her grandfather, her brother and sister-in-law (who have very adorable children), and her step dad. I spent a few hours playing guitar with him, and would have played much more, had there been time.

We even managed a date night alone one evening. We had a delicious dinner at Outback and went to go see National Treasure: The Book of Secrets. We both enjoyed the movie very much.

And now I'm back to missing her. It gets harder to part each time we're together. Samantha and I have so much to do between now and the wedding, but when we are together we just want to enjoy that time without dealing with the details. Details can't be avoided, however, and at least we do have the beginnings of a game plan.

Yes, we had a wonderful, but all too short, time together. Now back to phone calls in the evening after work. Seven months to go...

love, wedding/engagement, samantha, family, trips

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