
Jun 07, 2007 14:08

Well, the surgery on Monday went as expected. After all, I was out for all of it. I mean, by the time they got me on the operating table, I could feel myself fading. Apparently, I went under very deeply, because they had a rough time waking me up. I barely remember getting sick in post op.

The pain on Monday and early Tuesday has been the worst that I've ever had to endure. I did an incredible amount of suffering those two days. Things have gotten progressively better since. I've gone from two percocet tablets at a time to one, and am also taking motrin for the swelling, which is quite a bit and very uncomfortable.

I've had a few people checking on me, calling to make sure that I'm doing alright. Today is the first day that I've been on the internet (YAY for new DSL!), and I've had a couple of messages online as well.
bibliophile1887 has been such a dear through this and so supportive. She is such a fantastic girlfriend and I feel so lucky to have her in my life.  Samantha is all that I could have dreamed for.

To all of my friends, thanks for the well wishes, and thanks also to Samantha's friends who have wished me well through her. I have a long way to go to be back at 100%, but I'm feeling better every day.

love, friends, samantha, health, life

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