As a general rule these days I wear my hair in a braid. This is mainly due to my commute, and my kid.
Commuting by bike with loose hair would give me at best: very wind-blown tangles, and at worst: very wind-blown, wet, muddy, salty tangles. I like to maintain a cleaner appearance in the office. I have also worn a bun, but it doesn't fit under the helmet comfortably. Having loose hair with a kid in an invitation to rip it out in little clumps. I like to maintain my sanity at home.
I've also had a long-standing appreciation for East Asian style. This summer while wearing my
rice paddy hat, I got a lot more complements on my braid. The Manchu people forced men to wear the
queue (the long braid in back and shaved front seen in so many kung-fu flicks). But the long hair tradition predated the queue, According to the
Classic of Filial Piety. I kinda like this, but it would also rule out piercings and tattoos, so not entirely for me.
Anyways, normally I braid my hair while it's still wet from the shower. It wraps more tightly, and cleanly, which I prefer. But on Monday, I was expecting to take transit. So I decided to try the bun for a change. It felt weird all day. I'm so accustomed to my braid dragging on one shoulder, or having to pull it out of a jacket/ shirt/ chair, I was constantly going to adjust it. And I wrap it tight. I don't use hair pins to hold it in place, just friction. So it was instantly relaxing to let my hair down at the end of the day.
It looked pretty messy after shaking it out, and OMG I am not used to sleeping with loose hair! I was like swimming in seaweed! Gah! But this morning when I was brushing it out for another braid MY GAWDS it felt silky soft, and wonderful. Even once braided it still feels smoother than usual.
So, I'm not planning on cutting any time soon, but I am always on the lookout for new things to try. Aside from the standard 3-strand braid, I've done the 4-strand plait, the 4-strand braid, the 2-strand rope, and the simple twist bun. I'm curious... Are there any styles you think I could pull off? Accessory suggestions are good too. Caveats are that I should be able to do it myself as Kettu normally isn't awake when I'm doing my hair. Unless of course I would just look SO AWESOME in it. GIVE ME LINKS OR PICS PEOPLE!