Jun 28, 2006 01:29
OK, something I just did deposited a trojan horse on my computer. Be careful, because I am pretty sure the culprit was a link I clicked on somebody else's LJ.
I am PC-clueless. I grew up with and continue to prefer Macs, which have the very wonderul trait of being virus-free. I am only without my Mac today because our IT guy needed to work on it.
Now I have a trojan on our home PC.
Avast (my antivirus program) suggests that I "Move it to Chest." When I try to do this, it says it can't because it is being used by another process.
I tried just deleting it, and now there seem to be two.
I am giving up on today and going to bed, but if anybody knows how to fix this, I would be forever grateful.