i guess i died.. well anyway, i've been busy as shit with work, writing a bunch of policies, new girl, and i've been doing very little new writing but i've been trying to finish the ep with myself and chad, i may post it when were done but i dont know how much you guys would like it, it's rap, theres alot of political shit i've been following lately and its bothersome to say the least.. the news is a farce and sucks big ass, i dont give a flying shit about mj, kobe, this or that famous person, shut up about it god damn it, i'd really actually like to start a blog yeah i know this is one, but a political one that actually gets traffic,
so if you know of any let me know?
lets see what else, im going on vacation in july thats not too far i guess, work, school, fuck all that it blows, which is all ive done hence havent given two shits to wrtie about it after actually having to do it.. but im busy suppossedly thats good...
if you have money you wanna invest this looks auesome, its on the London Stock exchange;
you have no idea
LSE stock investment,
i just read about this pharmasutical company based in london, whos got this drug called sativex its thc based.. whoo hooo.. anyway its at 121 pounds now down 7 clinical trials are almost done, they are gonna start giving them to a group of 1000 ms patients in canada..
can you spell money
http://www.londonstockexchange.com/LSECWS/Templates/I1.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRORIGINALURL=%2fen-gb%2fpricesnews%2fprices%2fsystem%2fdetailedprices%2ehtm%3fsym%3dGB0002481678GBGBXSEAT0248167COA&NRNODEGUID=%7b1B713125-A605-46EB-9DFB-901FFF03010C%7d&NRCACHEHINT=Guest&sym=GB0030544687GBGBXAIM%203054468GWP --------------------------------------------------------
other than that i need to save up to buy a house soon hopefully we'll see..
anyways, i hope you guys are all doin good, if you ever need me and im not around email me at opticflo
at my aol address...
ttys hopefully, oh hair may be gone soon too.