May 17, 2003 15:40
that subject line was my ultimate favorite Our Lady Peace lyric in high school. i had it written with a white-out pen on the straps of my backpack. i still use that bag too.
the wild lost last night 2-0 and lost the series 4-0. i was sad.
the sens and devils are playing right now. it's 2-2 at the end of the second.
my high school alma mater is playing for the Louisiana state championship in baseball tonight. my mom and sister are there. i plan on drinking and watching the Preakness (its a horse race).
i'm on my second bloody mary for the day. i have really started to like them. thanks ben brock for starting such a nice trend at the house.
being home is utter boredom when my friends are still in Baton Rouge finishing up exams. but we're drinking tonight so that should be fun.
while i was at the DMV yesterday, there were these to, how should i say, excentric looking people behind me. i didn't mind them. but one of them had this insane mustache that flared out on the sides and this idiot asshole started harassing the guy about it. and he wouldn't shut up, i wanted to intefere but this guy was huge and i didn't want to start a scene. i wish i would have said at least something. why are stupid people so afraid of what's different, does it bother them because their lack of intelligence prevents comprehension. this guy was one of those "everyone must be the same" assholes. what a fucking jerk.
i need another bloody mary.