Ahahahaha. Festivids, apparently. I didn't even know this was a thing. Here are some of the most fabulously awesome ones I've seen in the last day or so.
Friends - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (movie) (Flight of the Conchords)A silly song for a silly movie. :D
Still Alive - Heathers (Jonathan Coulton)Vidder says: 'Content notes: Other: Self-harm, murder, cake. This vid is morally bankrupt.'
Do You Want To - Eddie Izzard (Franz Ferdinand)Eddie Izzard vid! He makes faces.
High School Never Ends - The West Wing (Bowling for Soup)Just... awesome.
Three different vids to Tik Tok by Ke$ha. Not one. Not two. But THREE. And they're all awesome. And I didn't even know the song before I saw them although I'd heard references to the bit about brushing your teeth with whiskey. In approx. ascending order of awesomeness:
Tik Tok - Back to the Future trilogyThis one wins for word appropriateness ('tik tok', after all) and for the slow soppy bit. D'awwwww.
Tik Tok - Toy Story trilogy This one WINS FOREVER for the 'party don't start til I walk in' moment. Ahahahahahaha. Its soppy bit also pretty damn awesome. Also, Ken, omg.
(Embedded in a talitha78 rec post with an incredibly well-done Sherlock vid and a Merlin one I haven't bothered to watch yet.)
Also, this wasn't previously on Youtube but as I was uploading a bunch of
Jessie's singing I thought I would put it there and then also here. My first vid. :D
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJZGBPMQaAE This entry was originally posted at
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