How easy is it to get a tabloid to print your totally fake celeb story? Very. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO:
karaokegal's Fourth Annual “Come As You’re Not” fanfic costume party.
Who is invited: YOU! If you're seeing this posted anywhere on your friends list, even if you've never heard of me, please come to the party anyway.
I’m inviting you all to write a fanfic as someone other than yourselves.
For a week, starting on October the 31st. The idea is to write fic in a totally different style/form/pairing/fandom than you ever normally would. Sell the Vatican. End world hunger. Proper Toy Story 3 trailer! With plot! Kristin Schaal is a horse. (Just... go with me on this one.)
I'm about 1/10th of the way through Unseen Academicals and really properly starting to warm to it. Librarian POV is always, always awesome.
Yesterday I read, replied to and posted something like a hundred fanmails. Maybe even 150. Today V isn't here to do the signatures but I can read and sort. Best name of the day so far: Crimson Starks. (Although it's still early. Yesterday it was Sawyer Sendelbach. Neither of them have anything on Tuesday's winner, Logan Strain.)
Waitrose's apple and blackcurrent crumble cake is REALLY NICE.