Doctor Horrible is back on the free interwebs. Legitimately, but with adverts. Which is awesome. And I shall be over here enjoying the hell out of it with my fingers in my ears. So ner. (Well... no, not actually in my ears, because of the singing, but... you know what I mean. These are not the hammer...)
(When I first went to the site it put up a pop-up window saying it wasn't available outside the US but either Teh Whedons have done something to this particular video or it's lying in general - when I closed the pop-up thingy it worked fine.)
This is an epic, epic Alan Moore interview which I want to bookmark because I suspect I'd like to read it in short bursts...
Dollhouse Comic Con panel. Empire's Comic Con coverage. Movie-heavy coverage, obviously, but generally made of win... you can just feel the love pouring off the screen in great waves...
This is the entry with the hilarious Samuel L Jackson Spirit panel clips.And this one is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. AKA Hugh Jackman spazzes out about how much he loves the fans, and Wolverine, and movies, and comics, and Wolverine, and the fans, and Wolverine.