Jul 01, 2007 20:06

I saw Last of the Time Lords.

Aha, she is John the Baptist. Ahahaha. Cool. Glowy flying Doctor slightly over the top even for me but then his converses touched back down on the floor and that shot made me so happy.

Oh, the pop music, oh that was absolute genius, it was so so good. I just... he is a happy, geeky, shiny, extroverted music-loving power-hungry psychopath. Just. Yes.

YES. Yes, I like it, it makes just about enough sense. (Also I like Jack's presence in this episode, he kept getting killed and getting grubbier and grubbier it was good.)
I worry though. Because look, however long it takes him to get to that point - many thousands of thousands of years of relatively healthsomeness (and I personally wouldn't be surprised if there was yet more time travel in Jack's personal future and he's gone round again a couple of times before he gets to the end of the Earth)... the fact remains that this is JACK, and he's a head in a jar. He has tentacly hair stuffs but... it's JACK. How frustrated must he be having the Doctor and Rose and Martha pawing all over his jar and cat nuns and people and not being able to have sex with any of them?
No, I like it, but that worries me.
Worries Billy too omg my fanfic boyfriend is a head in a jar.

The tiny Doctor creature was fantastic. Highly amused that either a) his underwear shrunk with him or b) the Master had a pair of tiny longjohns knocked up on the ship between scenes.

There was at least one plot point or logical leap or something that I thought was complete rubbish but I can't now remember what it was.

The girl... Lucy? Mrs Saxon. She was very good at standing in the background of shots looking out of it. I liked that, she was visibly all falling apart and with the gown and the fading black eye, but... quietly, in the background. I liked it.

THEY WERE THE HUMANS. For some reason I had not guessed this. I'd completely forgotten that the whole Utopia thing was never resolved.

Not stealing from Star Wars at ALL. OH no. I mean... you'd burn the body, you would, but... eh.

THE SLASH OMG THE LOVELY CANON SLASH (wait, can you have canon slash? I think RTD might have just invented canon slash. Nooooo, that's stupid, canon slash is much older. Intentional but non-specific. Oscar, for one. Dorian Grey just for your bare minimum wot I've heard of. Now I am babbling.)
But yes. Oh. That was lovely. It was lovely.
'I forgive you.' UH of course you do you poor lonely little god man you need him to stay with you and have your timelord buttsecks babies.

AND, the hand at the end, the picking up his ring, IT'S THE MISTRESS. I'll bet you anything you like. They won't do Girl!Doctor but there is nothing whatsoever stopping them from having him reappear as the Mistress. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Anyway, aren't the nails so him? I hope I'm right.

Martha left. I didn't think she was. Weird. Right, I mean, she has a much better life than Rose did to go back to, and I liked the way she left and that the Doctor might, just possibly, have got the message. But, weird, because she's said everywhere that she'll be in the next series - does that mean he's just going to have another non-companioned Christmas episode and then she's going to ring him up or is she just going to turn up in a random episode or do a Jack and come in for the finale or what? I don't actually want to know, you understand. I'm just slightly surprised. I liked the shot of her mum, the glee of her through the window going 'She's coming back!', that was nice.

Where is Leo? Presumably he's all right. I definitely thought he'd turn up though.

TITANIC OMG. I can has Xmas episode now pls?

tv, squee, who, gay

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