Feb 27, 2008 20:05
~~~~~Spoiler Warning~~~~~~~~~
Carly- I love Carly. I think she's great. Not my favorite of hers. But excellent, nonetheless.
Ug. I am so upset with Fox Toledo....the sound is all messed up. Its skipping like crazy. So, annoying!!!
I can't tell if Syesha or Brooke was decent. I think they sounded okay, but it is so hard to tell. STUPID NETWORK!
Brooke had a really good song choice, and she looked the part. From what I heard, I liked it. I hope its fixed by the next one!
Gah...sound is still messed for everyone else. Ramiele was fine. Kristi was alright. Amanda was great. My sounds better now. It was her best, but good as usual. I don't think she is going anywhere.
Alaina....excellent song. But, she's not bringing enough emotion to it. It's just okay. I don't believe it.
Kady....great song. I kinda like her a bit more than I did before. The band did a better job than her.
Asia'h....whats with the outfit? Good lord. Pretty good.
Hmm....this was just an okay night. I think Carly, Amanda and Brooke were my favs. I honestly don't know who is going to go home...Syesha and Alexandrea, maybe? I think those would be my votes.