Nov 11, 2009 20:47
Today's Adventure in the Magical Life of Katya:
I came back from doing laundry and threw the laundry basket with the bottle of laundry soap on the couch. I came downstairs to find the laundry soap bottle on its side with the lid off and half its contents in the laundry basket. That shit's expensive, so I took it upstairs to the bathtub to try to pour some of it back in the bottle. Half got back in the bottle and due to an error in judgment (and physics!) the other half got on the bathroom floor, not in the bathtub. So then I used half a roll of paper towels mopping up the bathroom floor + the rug. The bathtub is still full of bubbles an hour later as I keep trying to get all the soap to drain. The good news is that the laundry basket is super clean. Oh and I dropped my phone on the floor and had to put it back together again while I was trying to clean all of this up. And I have cramps.
J has written me a mental prescription for cuddles and Venture Bros when he gets home. I'll tide myself over with Snickers and books on Mormon polygamy until then.