All hail the school-cancelling gods. This is not a weather-related day off; although we have had over an inch of snow so far, it all melted nearly instantly--apart from a few pre-Halloween snowmen the kids ran out and slapped together. No, this is a scheduled day off. I don't know why, but I am insanely thankful for an extra hour of sleep.
I am still just so tired it's ridiculous.
Yesterday I ran out the door without my glasses and spent the entire day in a headachey blur. I get so busy trying to remember the eighty jillion things I have to take with me for class that I forget things like food and spectacles. Pfft. Makes me feel like a Wile E. Super Genius, it do.
Last night I was checking in on my game cafe and saw my dishes only had 8 minutes to go, so to kill the 8 minutes I started on the online career assessment test required for my employability class. Then a friend caught me online and struck up a conversation, so I hung around and served the cafe food, talked a while, and finished the assessment. The results were the funniest thing I've seen since this season of Whose Line ended.
They think I should be a psychologist/therapist/shrink/social worker.
That's probably because at no point did they ask, "How many hours a day can you stand to be in the presence of actual people?"
They did ask annoying things like:
Which approach would you prefer to use to tackle a project?
- Work alone and make your own decisions.
- Use team work and make decisions based on group consensus.
Dude, I'm taking intro programming right now and I'm totally distracted by the art of radio buttons (and the fact that they copied and pasted). (Oh wait, no they didn't. I had to edit them out.) Also, I prefer to do both in pretty equal measure. Work awhile, get some feedback. Work awhile, get some feedback. I'm not truly comfortable doing only either one. And this is not the only question where I fall solidly in the middle between two responses.
(I checked work alone and make your own decisions only because working entirely by committee kills creativity, in my opinion. If, yanno, you were wondering or anything.)
Here's another:
Do you tend to solve your problems by:
- Thinking through the problem issues on your own.
- Talking about the problem issues with others.
After much hair pulling, I chose thinking through the problem issues on your own because that is what I do first and last. But somewhere in the middle, if I can find anyone (it's often my mother) I talk about it with someone. Feedback. I find it tremendously useful, especially since (gasp) I don't know everything.
In the end I went back and tweaked back my ratings on the questions involving working with people, even though I have reservations that this might artificially alter my results. Maybe I should be a shrink.
Nah. Absolutely nah.
Now my (top) result says I should be a landscape architect. I'm guessing this is because nowhere did they ask, "Do you want to set your hands on fire when you get dirt on them?"
Writer and Graphic Designer both show up on page three...near the bottom.
Maybe my high school vocational assessment was more accurate and I should have been a forest ranger.
So. Day off. Vacuum cleaner and laundry and errands and programming projects and mortgage interest and etc., here I come.
Also nap. This day is definitely going to include a nap. Nap with dogs.
(Oh yeah. Animal control officer is also on my career list.)