health, critters, and books

Aug 01, 2011 10:42

After all the ovary/cat scan drama on Wednesday, I went to my regular doctor on Thursday and found out that in addition to the high blood pressure I knew about, I have high cholesterol and diabetes.

"I'm sorry, Holly," said Dr. T, "There seems to be no good news for you today. Take off your shoes and socks so I can check your feet."

So I did, rather numbly, and then she said, "Oh, I see you have toenail fungus. Soak your feet in vinegar..."

Some weird feeling bubbled up to my throat and lodged there. What? Toenail fungus? OMG NOT TOENAIL FUNGUS...

Then I realized that feeling was a laugh. Toenail fungus!

What a life.

So now I am up and down, learning to jab myself and bleed properly, learning to live without decent cola or sweetener in my tea, becoming ecstatic over sugar free taffy, and trying to figure out what I can eat that has no fat, salt, or processed sugar or flour, especially considering I hate plain fish (fish was meant to be breaded and fried so you can't taste it) and rice (the texture was developed in hell) and I am allergic to chicken and turkey.

I considered sharing kibble with Cobie and Kelly, but it's full of chicken. I need to start a cabbage farm I guess, with sprouts and broccoli and cauliflower because I could live on those if I could afford enough of them.

This all is not, however, going to become my life, which brings me to my next topic.

Zanny and Lita. They are my new hamsters, Siberian Dwarf sisters, one Winter White and one Opal. For now they are cohabitating in Dmitri's former digs, but if they stop getting along later, I have enough shelf space to install a second cage. They are so tiny and fuzzy and adorable! They're as soft as--baby hamsters--and shy but not bitey. They do tend to run out of my hand when I pick them up, so I don't lift them outside the cage yet. And they had the wheel zooming half the night, so they are energetic little gizzies.

I always planned to take more photos of Dmitri than I actually managed to take because he was so zoomy (same reason most of my photos of Kelly and Cobie show them napping) but I will try to get some kind of snaps of the baby girls.

You will not believe the adorableness, I promise.

(Cobie is thrilled that the dispensing of hamster seeds onto the shelf has resumed.)

Topic number three, books, it's been Bleakfest 2011 around here. I've been reading The Kite Runner. Before that, Angela's Ashes. And before that, Lisey's Story. When Stephen King is your light reading, well... I think I need some Herriot next. Something funny.

I ordered Donald Maass' latest, The Breakout Novelist. I love that it's both hard cover and spiral bound (it lies flat) but the print is microscopic, so I haven't actually started reading it yet. Good thing I got my new bifocals.

Speaking of which, Mr Moth picked up his first ever pair of glasses today, and they are bifocals also. Probably because my father has always worn glasses, I think men in spectacles are gorgeous. Geekbillies... I wonder if they make camo pocket protectors...

Zanny is up and on the wheel so I have to go pester her a little now, and tell her how cute she is so she doesn't forget. Have a good one!

books, hamsters, health

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