Devil May Cry anime

Jun 14, 2007 00:46

I just saw the first episode of the Devil May Cry anime and.... totally not impressed (not that I had high hopes for this show, but you know...). I admit that I don't know much about the video game, other then it had some prettyful cut scenes and fight scenes, since I suck at playing video games myself but like to watch others play. But the anime was very uneventful, besides, you know, the typical fight scenes with bad monsters (or akuma/devils as they were called) and yeah. Fight bad monsters.
Basically it just followed the trials and tribulations of Dante as he tried to protect a young girl named Patty Lowell while looking (of course) like a total bad-ass amazing fighter. Blah blah blah. The storyline was never really flushed out and if you know nothing about the video game (I admit I know very little) than you're probably missing a lot. I give this an automatic pass - don't bother. This is as generic as they come. Not even worth it for the fight scenes which is rather depressing because I loved those scenes from the game. Boo. And thus, a waste of time.

Also, due to me at work all night long I totally missed out on blogging the end of the world!! I hate you all! I was so confused for like 5 minutes trying to figure out what the hell was going on!! Haha. Well, clearly I survived so cheers to that and moving on.... to bed.

job, anime, work

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