Time flows on

Jun 24, 2014 20:49

I'm on my second full week of work now and starting to settle in, just a bit. It is full of reporting and reconciliation and trying to make databases talk to one another. It seems to be a far more technical job than my last but I think I will learn a lot from it. I am also trying to see it as a way to broaden my work experience into humanitarian aid. I'm still nervous that I'll make a false step somewhere but I think as the days go by that feeling will (hopefully) fade away more. I had my weekly meeting with my manager this afternoon so I'm pretty full up with work to do, which is good.

My summer solstice was nice. I went up to an orchard and picked strawberries and black raspberries and found ways to wait out the rain. It felt nice. It was nice. I am starting to get back onto a solid trajectory once again. I feel my confidence start to build up, little by little, as I become a useful member of society once again. And that's society's mores for you; the value of being of the working-class. I digress...

I do find myself miss long sleepy days of reading curled up with iced tea. With my bar job I am back to my one full free day per week - Saturday - which is usually spent doing this out and about like fruit picking, or errands, or walking into the city, or something, always something. I've been trying to push my way through Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch but it is a rather long book and has been taking up more time than I am used to. I didn't expect to miss all that leisure time so soon but I do miss just a teensy bit of it.

So, life moves on and I ground myself and dig my roots further into D.C. soil. How strange to think I am still here when I've never been interested in the east coast of America. It's interesting the unintended journeys that life takes you on.

washington d.c., solstice, work, reading

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