Calmness and centering.

Jun 15, 2014 21:15

I had a really nice weekend. Saturday I had a picnic with one of my very good D.C. friends at a lovely European-style park near my house. We ate wraps and popcorn and iced coffee and made friends with a squirrel brave enough to come close enough for us to throw him some popcorn. And we talked about inconsequential things as the breeze blew gently across our faces and the shade of a large tree kept us from sunburn and blankets kept crinkly sharp leaves from bothering us. It was a really, really nice day. I can't even remember the last time I had a picnic but Saturday was just... almost perfect, really. It was a balm to my soul, just a bit, after the few months I've had. Afterwards I made us dinner at my place and had some frozen yogurt before I sent her on her merry way home. Just lovely.

Today I spent the day at work at the bar and then yoga and a call to my dad whom I love and admire greatly. I don't say this enough but my dad is my rock, my solid support, and the glue that keeps my family together. He's my number one fan and I can't imagine my life without him. So to all the fathers out there I wish you all a wonderful day, month, year, life...

I go back to work on Monday at my new job trying to soak up as much as I can so I can start being useful. I like this organization a lot but it is a complete change of pace from anything else I've ever done. It is more business-y than what I'm used to and business casual clothing is leaning far more towards business than casual. The office is very professional and there are so many rooms and doors rather than a large open space with cookie cutter desks where I can see most of everyone who I work with sans the highest of higher uppers. Everyone seems quieter and smarter and I suspect that most of us have Master's degrees in something either science, developmental, or political in nature. There are no visible tattoos and all the hair colors are what nature gave. It's... just... different and I'm still trying to adjust to it, honestly. I still think I need to buy more business-y clothes even though I've already dropped $100 at H&M but that can only stretch so far when I got a few slacks and blouses from the clearance section. But that can be remedied.

A personal goal of mine is to also try to stay positive and try really hard not to say offhand things that do not need to be said. Not mean things necessarily, but just things that aren't particularly positive that just don't need to be said. I think I do this more often than I should and I want to try and cut back on unnecessary words that do not harm but are not positive either. I want more positivity in my life so I think I need to open my eyes to how I act and think before I say or do something so I can find the most positive self that I can. We all need goals in life...

washington d.c., job, dad, positivity, picnic, work

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