Of thoughts and wishes to my home-away-from-home

Mar 12, 2011 12:23

I didn't even know about the earthquake until I got to work yesterday morning, which was hours after it happened. My former co-worker and close friend at the Greenpeace Melbourne office was calling me up at work before I started to compare stories of people we both knew who were ok and I think to get my reaction since he knew how much I love Japan.
The rest of the day was spent staring at various news sites and Facebook to learn as much as I could about this travesty. I won't post pictures - I'm sure all of you have seen it and some of you first hand - so I can only leave my hopes and prayers and what little cash I have at Japan's door.
I can't even imagine how hard this hit Japan and how much harder it will be for Japan to pull itself back up by its bootstraps because that economy is going to take a huge nosedive. Sorry, I think it's the Political Science major in me thinking that.
Regardless, I hope everyone is ok!
I miss you Japan! I really do. I left part of my heart back with you when I left your shores for new horizons.

tsunami, washington d.c., japan, earthquake

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