Cold, blustery winter

Jun 10, 2010 22:48

It is winter in Melbourne and I am cold, though the temperature is only in the 40's and 50's which I suspect isn't all that cold (but cold enough!). Luckily, because it is cold in here the cat has decided to grace my lap with her sleepy presence once again - and this has become a near daily event, probably due to the cold. I am not complaining, however.
Nothing much new to add. Still have my North Korea essay to write but with things changing daily it makes it hard because I feel like I keep needing to tweak it with the next day's news. Now I can fully understand and appreciate why my teacher didn't want us to do current events as an essay topic. I wasn't planning on it but well, these things happen. One more week and this, too, will be behind me and I will have unofficially finished my Master's course.
I'll be heading to Lentils As Anything for breakfast tomorrow which will be nice. It has become one of my favorite hang out spots with my friend Chris. And their "pay as you feel" philosophy is just amazing; the fact that they trust the community at large to support each other so that if one person does not (or cannot) pay that day they can pay later on or hopefully someone else will have paid a little more to cover it. It is a wonderful idea and I am very fond of it. Breakfast should be good. Something to look forward to.
Slowly, my life in Melbourne feels to be winding down, just a bit. It's hard to say how I will feel when this is all over but for now all I really want is to leave. I feel a bit trapped here and that is not a feeling that can be easily dealt with. But I am dealing, day by day. I suspect that I will miss Melbourne when I leave but that is the problem with such things - you must look back to truly appreciate that time in your life which cannot be done whilst living through it.
And that's all I have tonight. G'nite.

cats, australia, school, winter, uni, food, cold

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