Apr 25, 2010 12:02
Woke up early today and decided to go to a "Somachi" yoga class which seemed to be some sort of ashtanga-vinyasana-flow class that just kicked my ass!! Non stop flowing sequences with down dog being the rest time, rather than child's pose. I'm so tired now and I know tomorrow I'll be all sore and stiff.... but you know, it was awesome!! I haven't been in a yoga class that worked me that hard in a really, really long time. I hope I can make it again next Sunday morning. Good workout, that. I only wish I had more money for yoga classes but.... you know, jobless now. *sigh* Being frugal is no fun!
After that I walked home and stuffed myself full of dark rye toast, eggs, and veggie sausages with some OJ and now I'm sipping a cup of coffee while reading a Charles de Lint book.
Today will be a good day, me thinks.