
Nov 08, 2009 22:20

So my last essay is just about finished - I finished it yesterday - and now I have to study for an essay exam that I am definitely not looking forward to so I've been procrastinating quite a bit. I haven't done anything school-related today and it's a Sunday. I did, however, have some yummy coconut iced chocolate (aka chocolate milk) at a lovely chocolate/crepe cafe called Fräus. Yum! I will get through all these chocolate cafes in Melbourne if it's the last thing I do! ^^; I just wish I had my old keitai so I could take pictures and do little write-up reviews like Kylie does... But my cellphone in Aussieland is aweful. ;_;
And then I got a headache later on because all of a sudden the weather here is hot and yucky and in the 90's. Yesterday it was ok but today its suddenly hot. Ugh. I am SO not looking forward to summer here AT ALL. Not fun, especially as the house I live in doesn't have a/c. Boo!!
Otherwise than that I think I'm doing well enough which is good. I just need to find new ways to procrastinate. Haha. But that's what manga and books and stuff are for. I'd say YouTube as well but with a capped internet plan I have to be a bit more careful about that....
I hope I can sleep tonight. That headache knocked me out and I took an afternoon nap from like 5-9(!!). Oops. At least my head doesn't hurt any more AND I didn't take any medicine for it so that's good....
Oh, and I got some purply-red streaks in my hair because I finally have a job that doesn't care if I have colored hair. It's not like 'whoa crazy' but I'm still quite happy because I've (shockingly!) never had fun color in my hair before. I should take a picture of it because it's the little things in life that make me happy and the girl at The Lock Works was super cool - and the decor was great because it was all steamy and fun. <3

steampunk, australia, school, hair, chocolate

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