Happy pre-birthday birthday.

Aug 09, 2009 01:10

Or Kris's happy shopping and dinner spree.
Walked over to Melbourne's funky area known as Fitzroy and firstly (and mostly importantly!) made a reservation at Victorian Gothic for a pair of clunky, platformy Mary Jane Demonias so I can hit up the goth club next event in 2 weeks (hope they come in time) in addition to some club basics (cute red x black mini and a shredded top), then hit up some "op shops" (opportunity shops, i.e. second hand shops) and found almost all of Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" books (which is called Cross Stitch here and not Outlander) which is happiness because no matter where I end up those books somehow find their way into my collection. Finally made my way over to an outlet store where I bought all these cute clothes by a company called Dangerfield which is somewhat expensive but I got a rather good deal for my haul - at least comparatively. I think clothes in Melbourne are quite expensive!! Ah well.
Met up with the lovely Angela and her Richard (both of whom I knew in Osaka) who took me out to dinner for my birthday at Soul Food for some good ol' vegan food and red wine. Later on a bar for drinks and here I am at 1 am sleepy but quite content. Today was a lovely day!!
Happy pre-birthday to me!! Haha.

shopping, clubbing, australia, drinks, birthday, food, gothic

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